East Bay Citizen / Steven Tavares / January 16, 2019

The Hayward City Council chambers erupted in chants of “Shut it down!” and “What are you hiding?!” after the family of Agustin Gonsalez, the 29-year-old father of two killed by Hayward police officer was again denied answers following the shooting last November on O’Neill Avenue.
Gonsalez family members and supporters delivered several public comments during a Hayward council meeting last month demanding for information from police. The family said Gonsalez struggled with a mental illness, but had held a full-time job (…) Some family members demanded police body-cam video of the incident, in addition, to an independent investigation. “This is a story that cries out trigger-happy police,” said Frank Runninghorse, a member of the Oscar Grant Committee. “The police can not investigate themselves. It’s like the fox guarding the hen house.”
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