Press Conference and Rally: Justice4Terry

Friday, January 11th 2019 — Martinez

What: Press Conference and Rally: Justice4Terry

When: Friday, January 11, 2019 11:30 AM—1 PM

Where: District Attorney’s Office, 900 Ward Street Martinez, CA

Who: Justice4Terry Committee and Family of Terry Amons, Jr.

Why: Full Investigation of Shooting/Killing of Terry Amons,Jr. by Pitttsburg Police

Contact: 510-674-8181 or 925-565-8392


Terry Amons, Jr., a 43 year old Black man, was shot and killed by Pittsburgh police late Friday night on January 12, 2018, while eating dinner inside his car outside of Nations Burgers in Pittsburgh, as was his habit before going to work on his night shift job as a delivery driver for Presidential Propane Company. The police claim that Terry was reaching for a gun, but body cam video, which clearly shows Amons attempting to comply with shouted contradictory orders from two cops with guns drawn and aimed at him. At no time did Amons make any move toward the holstered pistol that was in plain sight in the central storage area between the front seats.

The video shows Amons complying with orders to place his hands on the steering wheel, then attempting to comply with frantic commands to “get out of the car.” Before being senselessly gunned down while attempting to comply.

We hold the Pittsburgh PD responsible for murdering an innocent Black man. Terry’s mother, Sandra, said: “They executed my son. The Pittsburgh Police Department (PPD) illegally, without a warrant, searched Terry’s home after they killed him.” The PPD did not provide Terry’s family with the names of the officers involved. The Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights is the legal justification for withholding this information. Only months later did the Oscar Grant Committee learn the names of the Police Officers involved: Dillon Tindall, who fired the shots, and Jesus Arellano. According to the East Bay Times, the body cam video shows Terry being shot by Tindall after shouting “Do not reach for that fucking gun.” As Terry falls out of the car, he continues to say, “I wasn’t reaching for nothing, I swear to God.” Then the officers handcuffed him. Terry died at John Muir Medical Center in Martinez.

According to attorney John Burris, “I must admit, I do not see (Amons) reaching for that gun. I see him playing around with gloves, but certainly not reaching. He was trying to comply,” “I have reservations about the justification of this shooting, frankly.”

The police claim they were responding to a drug dealing complaint that provoked the initial contact. No drugs were found on Amons or in his car.

The family is considering filing a lawsuit. Family and friends of Terry Amons have launched an on-going struggle for Justice4Terry, along with the OGC, SURJ (Stand Up for Racial Justice), and others.

So far, three monthly protest actions have been held with up to 60 energetic people involved. Monthly meetings to plan ongoing events are open to the public.